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I am currently investigating the volatile content of both minerals in martian and ureilite meteorites at sub-micrometer to atomic scales. These investigations utilise state of the art analytical techniques at the University of Glasgow (SEM, FIB, TEM, LC- and GC-MS), the University of Edinburgh (EPMA), the Diamond Lightsource UK synchrotron (FTIR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy), the Carnegie Institute for Science (Raman spectroscopy), the University of Sydney (FIB, TEM, Atom Probe Tomography) and Arizona State University (SIMS). The overall aim of this research is to indicate the abundance of volatile elements in planetary interiors, and to clarify the cycling and eventual fate of these elements at planetary surfaces. This research helps paint a picture of past and present planetary habitability, and may help identify opportunities for future in-situ resource utilisation.   

On Earth, volcanic eruptions release volatile elements such as hydrogen and oxygen (mostly in the form of water vapor), nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, chlorine and fluorine into the atmosphere from the planets interior. Over geological time the volcanic release of volatile elements has helped to form Earth’s oceans and thick, protective atmosphere, making our planet a haven for life as we know it. It has been suggested that the same processes occurred on early Mars - volcanic activity pumped volatiles, including water, from the interior to the surface and sub-surface over billions of years. We know that during its early history Mars was once much wetter at the surface, with a thicker atmosphere, but over time that atmosphere was largely lost to space, or drawn down into the crust or cryosphere. However, volatiles trapped in the martian rock record remain, and can be used as indicators of both ancient mantle compositions and surface environments.

Above: Optical microscope image of a Martian meteorite, showing rust-coloured alteration veins within olivine crytsals. These veins contain phyllosilicate, carbonate, gypsum, Fe-oxides and other secondary minerals typically produced by water-rock interactions on Mars. In addition, trails of carbon-rich inclusions are present in these minerals (visible as trails of dark spots in clean areas of the crystals).  

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